Lagers Series
"Lagers" is about the building façades and interiors of four concentration camps: Dachau, Mauthausen, Sachsenhausen, and Auschwitz, which Sanabria visited in 1989. Her hope in depicting such charged images was to capture the spirit, the light, and the hope of those who were imprisoned in the camps. She titled the series "Lagers," the word Primo Levi, an Auschwitz survivor, called the camps. Painting "Lagers" was her way of remembering those who were there. The series, created between 1990-93, has been exhibited at the David Adamson Gallery in Washington, DC; the Dorothy McRae Gallery in Atlanta, GA; and at B'nai B'rith, also in Washington, DC. Several of the paintings were shown at the JCC in Richmond, VA during October and November 2008. View samples of the collection below. All works are acrylic on paper.
All works unless otherwise noted belong to the permanent collection of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA Foundation.